Thursday, May 1, 2008

Once again some crazy aimless chatter with myself

Wonder what they have to say
Those sparkling dust molecules,
Struggling to find their place,
Lost in frantic collisions,
Streaming through the florescent glow.

With zillion water droplets,
Striking my face and dropping dead,
I ponder what this night has in store.

Alone in this swanky city,
in a hotel room, neat and empty
I prepare myself to feel comforted
And alas! Fail each night.

Its 8:00 PM and bright as dawn,
Light fills my room with a stifling gloom,
Its unnatural I tell myself,
Life as such makes no sense.

Now in my bed, white as foam
And soft as feather,
I fight to find a comfortable corner,
Its difficult to read, since my mind is full,
And its difficult to sleep since my eyes are full.

And as usual I expect a miracle
To pull me away from these thorny nights,
To help me make sense of this life,
To help me walk this dark side.

And I am still staring at those dust particles
As restless as me, my friends in disguise,
Sharing something common,
No identity, no meaning,
Or perhaps something,
Still struggling to find….


Unknown said...

Together in Solitude

There are times when you have a great deal to say that words fall short and so much to feel that you become contentedly numb and so on...and then there are times you chance upon random posts or strike arbitrary conversations and catch a glimpse of yourself and a dash of your own there...and you yourself that you are not alone in it all...that it's normal…in between your dreams, aspirations, failed and successful attempts, heart-aches and heartfelts, life happens and keeps happening, times keep unfolding and...and even though you may always be on the look out for 'something different', sometimes nothing comforts you more than the unsorted connection…the thought that "it happens with everybody, to everybody, we are all together in it and to say the least, it is, well, normal."

Waited long to see you back....which part of the world are you currently residing?

P.S. As promised I have tried explaining the song to you

Jyotsna said...

Hi R :) yeh been posting rather sluggishly.

I am presently in Sweden and yeh I read the lyrics that you have translated for me, indeed a very good song, wish I could understand the original lyrics and enjoy them with the music :)

Whats life been at your end?