Monday, August 3, 2009

Wordsworth said "I wandered lonely as a cloud..."

From the window of the speeding car I could see the clouds. Not one but many and thought "clouds are never lonely, at least never alone". I could see them ambling together, some to a distant land, hand in hand; Some waiting to embrace each other - and the freedom! the freedom to be absolutely free on the blanket of a clear blue welkin, what else does one want?. After making this observation and feeling a little down in spirits I indulged in some self pity -

Lonely are not the clouds, but my heart...
My heart knows no company
Like the empty welkin
that sees the clouds come and go
My heart is an observer,
and there ends the role.
The clouds are frivolous,
But the shallow often win.
There is no time to measure,
The vastness of the welkin.
Alas! better alone,
than incomplete in company.
The emptiness in my heart,
And the emptiness of the welkin,
have a faith in each others keeping.
Sometimes we smile each other,
And know there is somebody waiting...