Monday, July 18, 2011

.....Apparently the earth sometimes thinks of the possibility of coming closer to the sun. But she can not do that. She is so base and his brilliance so searing, that she will cause destruction if she draws him closer....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oftentimes, some incidents, some people, some words stay put in your mind. Like fossilized bones they surface up every time you dig the dust of time and mercilessly force you to ask the same question without revealing the answer - "WHY?" - and when you once again fail to find the answer, you let the bones be, amass dust of time all over again, until its time to dig again...

Can a name reveal an identity?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wrote a short one after a long time....Couldn't think of a title though....

How can I write to you what no words can explain?

For instance how can words sing to you?

A musical rendition – your first words of love,

That melt in the warmth of your kisses,

And play a lullaby to me each night away from you.

Or make you feel warm?

Like your loving caresses that embrace me,

In the immense lonesome winters.......

And pray! how can they ever love you?

The way I do – more tomorrow than every before

And as it is said “I shall but love thee better after death”....